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What awaits you inside the package?

  • smart watch

  • Wireless charger

  • Instructions for use

  • watch strap

A smart watch that works for you - really!

With the Audiox smart watch, everything important is on hand. You will receive notifications, follow your fitness and health, and all this in a precise and impressive design. A powerful battery, and advanced technology that keeps you always connected.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
ืกื˜ื™ื™ืกื™ ืฉื ื˜ื•ื‘
Diamond Queen watch

A beautiful watch without the expensive price! Very happy to have found your site. I received the watch and could not get whatsapp to work or put the straps on correctly. Customer service was incredibly helpful and immediately sent me videos for both problems! The watch works perfectly and I get asked about it constantly! Thank you!

ืขื ืช ืื™ื™ื–ื ืงื•ื˜

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ื‘ืžื™ืœื” ืื—ืช - ืžื”ืžืžื(:
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frequently asked questions

Please visit the FAQ page for answers to additional questions

What health functions does the watch support?

Supports a wide range of health functions, including heart rate measurement, sleep monitoring, step counting, blood oxygen measurement, and tracking various sports activities.

Does the watch support calls and messages, and how is it synchronized with the phone?

Supports the display of messages and calls, allows you to make calls directly from the watch itself via Bluetooth. Synchronization is carried out using a dedicated application that connects the watch to the phone via Bluetooth, so that the information is updated in real time.

How can I check the compatibility of the smart watch with my smartphone?

Our smart watches support all types of smart phones that support Bluetooth devices, Android/iPhone, etc.

Is the smartwatch water resistant, and if so, to what depth?

Comes with water resistance and excellent with a resistance standard, IP67. For example, a smart watch with the IP67 standard is resistant to dust and water at a depth of up to 1 meter for 30 minutes.

Is it possible to pay through the smart watch?

Unfortunately, this model of the smartwatch does not support contactless payments using NFC technology. We understand the importance of this function and are constantly in the process of improving our products, but currently, this feature is not available on this device. If you have any additional questions or other requirements, we will be happy to help you!

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